BSAMCH Recruitment 2021
BSAMCH Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 58 Senior Resident Vacancies in Dr.BSA Hospital.
Vacancy Details:
Name Of Posts | No Of Posts |
Senior Resident | 58 nos |
MBBS with Postgraduate degree/DNB/Diploma or equivalent as per Residency Scheme in concerned specialty from a recognized University/Institute on the day of the interview, otherwise the candidate will not be allowed for interview. Must not have completed 03 years Senior Residency at any recognized institute including regular or on an ad-hoc basis. In Super-specialty branches, preference shall be given to candidates having Super-specialty qualifications or experience.
Age Limit:
Shall be a maximum of 45 years. The age is relaxable up to 05 years for SC & ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (Non-Creamy layer belonging to Delhi only).
Applicants should register themselves on the official website of the hospital through the link.
The following documents are required in original along with self-attested photocopies for verification on the day of the interview in the given order:-
- Print out of pre-filled online Application Form along with the one photograph pasted on the printout of the application form.
- DMC registration (MBBS and requisite postgraduate qualification)
- X class certificate (for Date of Birth)
- Attempt Certificate
- Degree (MBBS & Postgraduate degree/ DNB or Diploma)
- Experience certificate if applicable
- Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID/ Passport
- Publications (indexed journal only)
The candidate should report for the interview on the scheduled date, between 9.00 AM and 10 AM at the Office of Medical Director, Dr. BSA Hospital, Sector –VI, Rohini, Delhi – 110085.
Advt. Details | Click Here |
Register Link | Click Here |