Oil India Officers Recruitment 2021: 35 Vacancy

Oil India Officers Recruitment 2021

Oil India Officers Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 35 Vacancies in Oil India Limited Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo of Posts
Superintending Engineer (Drilling)01 nos
Superintending Medical Officer (Radiology)01 nos
Superintending Engineer (Environment)03 nos
Superintending Medical Officer (Orthopaedic Surgeon)01 nos
Senior Medical Officer04 nos
Senior Security Officer01 nos
Senior Officer (Electrical)06 nos
Senior Officer (Electronics & Communication)02 nos
Senior Officer (Land/Legal)02 nos
Senior Officer (Mechanical)10 nos
Senior Officer (Geophysics)01 nos
Senior Officer (Instrumentation)02 nos
Confidential Secretary01 nos


Superintending Engineer (Drilling):

Bachelor‟s Degree in Engineering of minimum 04 years duration with minimum 65% marks and having minimum 3 years post qualification experience.

Superintending Medical Officer (Radiology):

MD (Radio Diagnosis) from a reputed Medical College/University recognized by the Medical Council of India with working knowledge of computer tomography and/or MRI and should be familiar with the use of computers

Superintending Engineer (Environment):

Bachelor‟s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with minimum 65% marks OR Bachelor‟s degree in any branch of Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with Master‟s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks OR Master‟s degree in Environmental Science of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks.

Superintending Medical Officer (Orthopaedic Surgeon):

MS (Orthopaedic) / DNB (Orthopaedic) from a reputed Medical College/University recognized by the Medical Council of India.

Senior Medical Officer:

MBBS from a reputed Medical College/ University recognized by the Medical Council of India with a minimum of 02 years post qualification experience.

Senior Security Officer:

Graduate of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline from a University/Institute recognized by Govt. of India and approved by UGC/appropriate statutory authority with minimum 2 years post qualification experience.

Senior Officer (Electrical):

Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Electrical Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electrical & Electronics Engineering/Electrical & Communication Engineering/ Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering etc.)

Senior Officer (Electronics & Communication):

Bachelor‟s degree of minimum 4 years duration in Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electrical & Communication Engineering/Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering etc.)

Senior Officer (Land/Legal):

Bachelor‟s degree of minimum 3 years duration in Law (LLB) with minimum 60% marks

Senior Officer (Mechanical):

Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Automation/Automobile/ Industrial /Power / Manufacturing/Production / Mechatronics/Mining/ Marine/Robotics Engineering etc.)

Senior Officer (Geophysics):

PG in Geophysics / Applied Geophysics / Exploration Geophysics of minimum 02 years duration with minimum 60% marks (Excluding PG in Computational Seismology, etc.)

Senior Officer (Instrumentation):

Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Instrumentation Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Power Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, etc.)

Confidential Secretary:

Graduate with 01/02 years Diploma in Secretarial Practice or Modern Office Management/Secretarial Practice or Executive Assistant Diploma or equivalent with knowledge of computer application.

Application Fee:

General/ OBC (NCL)Rs. 500/- + Applicable taxes

HOW TO APPLY Oil India Officers Recruitment 2021:

Candidates fulfilling the above criteria may apply online through the link available on the Oil India Limited website (https://oil-india.com/Current_openNew.aspx) from 15.09.2021 to 10.10.2021.

Last Date: 10.10.2021

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