Social Welfare Jharkhand Recruitment 2021: 76 Social Worker Vacancy

Social Welfare Jharkhand Recruitment 2021

Social Welfare Jharkhand Recruitment 2021: 76 Social Worker Vacancy

Social Welfare Jharkhand Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 76 Social Worker Members Vacancy in Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs) and Chairpersons/Members in Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) in the State of Jharkhand.

Vacancy Details:-

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Social Worker Members76 nos


The candidate shall have a degree with at least seven years of experience of working with children in the field of education, health, protection, or welfare activities, or should be a practicing professional with a degree in child psychology or psychiatry or sociology or in the field of law

Age Limit:

The candidate shall be above the age of 35 years and not more than 60 years of age


Interested people who are eligible to apply for the selection to the said positions of JJB/CWC would need to apply online in the prescribed Application Form on the JAP-IT Recruitment Portal ( of the Government of Jharkhand.

Last Date: 31.07.2021

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