Oil Palm India Recruitment 2021: 07 Trainees Vacancy

Oil Palm India Recruitment 2021: 07 Trainees Vacancy

Oil Palm India Recruitment 2021

Oil Palm India Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 07 Trainees Vacancy Oil Palm India Limited.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of PostsAge Limit
Retail Marketing03 nos25-27 years
Agriculture–Field Operations01 nos27 years
B.Com trainee01 nos25 years
Technical Graduate Trainee01 nos25 years
ITI Machinist01 nos25 years


  • Retail Marketing: Any Graduate with a Minimum 60% mark in qualifying examination. MBA specialized in Marketing with a 60% mark
  • Agriculture–Field Operations: Any Graduate with a Minimum 60% mark in the qualifying examination. Preference will be given to candidates who had studied Plus Two in Science with Biology or any agriculture-related subject during the lower classes.
  • B.Com trainee: B.Com with 60% marks in the qualifying examination
  • Technical Graduate Trainee: BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Preference will be given to the candidates who had done apprenticeships in similar industries.
  • ITI Machinist: ITI certificate in Fitter trade or equivalent certificate in VHSE


Eligible candidates can Walk Inwith the duly filled applications in the prescribed format given on the website www.oilpalmindia.com at Head Office, Kodimatha, Kottayam South P.O, Kottayam-686013 on 16.08.2021 from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM.

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