IITISM Recruitment 2021
IITISM Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 73 Junior Assistant Vacancy in Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad.
Vacancy Details:
Name Of Posts | No Of Posts |
Junior Assistant | 73 nos |
Educational Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized university with at least 55% marks.
- Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point.
- Having a typing speed of either 40 w.p.m. in English or 35 w.p.m. in Hindi on computers.
Application Fee:
- Rs. 500/- to be paid through the SBI collect link available on the website of the Institute https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=272342 and the payment details are to be filled in the application form.
- SC/ST/ Ex-Servicemen/ Divyang and Female candidates are exempted from payment of recruitment fee.
Application is required to be submitted online latest by 31st August 2021 using the Non-Faculty Recruitment module available on the link https://nfr.iitism.ac.in/index.php/recruitment/User_login
Last Date: 31.08.2021