DMHO Guntur Recruitment 2021

DMHO Guntur Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 06 Medical Officers Vacancy in Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, Andhra Pradesh.
Vacancy Details:
Name Of Posts | No Of Posts |
Medical officers (MBBS) | 06 nos |
- Candidates should have passed the MBBS Degree examination included in the Schedule -I of the MCI Act, 1956 as amended from time to time and from a College recognized by the Medical Council of India, and completed internship by on or before 01-12-2020.
- Must be registered (on Permanent basis) with State Medical Council of Andhra Pradesh.
Age Limit:
The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as of 01.12.2020 with the relaxations allowed for reckoning duly the maximum age limit as per rules. The candidate should not have completed (42) years of age as on 01.12.2020
Candidates shall submit filled applications form in the DropBox arranged in the O/o DM&HO, Guntur, or through Registered Post in the name of District Medical and Health Officer, Guntur Opp. Collectorate, Nagarampalem, Guntur.
The xerox copies of the following certificates should be enclosed along with applications.
- Aadhar Card
- Photo size
- SSC or equivalent certificate (for Date of Birth)
- Latest Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC (with categorization if any) issued by MRO concerned. ln the absence of proper caste certificate, the candidate will be considered as OC candidate.
- In case of the Physically Challenged person, Latest certificate issued by Medical Board should be uploaded online.
- In case of Ex-servicemen, relevant certificate issued by competent authority shall be uploaded online.
- Study Certificates from class lV to X from the school where the candidate studied. lf SSC or its equivalent done by private study, without attending any school, residence certificate from MRO for previous 7 years. (in prescribed proforma). In the absence of the above certificate the candidate will be considered as non-local.
- Certificate of permanent Registration in AP State Medical Council constituted under MCl Act.
- MBBS Degree Certificate /Provisional
- Internship completion certificate.
- MBBS aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in qualifying the Examination.
- Service certificate from the controlling officer concerned (DM&HO/DCHS/Any other authority who appointed the applicant) in case of Medical officer working on contract / Outsourcing basis. ln absence of which, the candidate will not be given any weight age.
Last Date: 22.07.2021