ATEPFO Recruitment 2021

ATEPFO Recruitment 2021, Online Application are invited for 25 Junior Assistant Vacancy in Assam Tea Employees Provident Fund Organization.
Details Of Vacancy:
Name Of Posts | No Of Posts |
Junior Assistant | 25 nos |
- The applicants must be graduates in any discipline from a recognized University.
- The candidates must possess a minimum of 6 (six) months Diploma/Certificate in computer proficiency from a recognized Institute such as Word Processor, Spread Sheet, presentation graphics, the concept of database, internet, email, and computer typing in English/ Assamese language.
Age Limit:
The candidate should not be less than 21 years and more than 38 years of age as of 01.06.2021. The upper age limit is relaxable as follows:
- 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. up to 41 years.
- 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e. up to 43 years.
- 10 years for PWD candidates irrespective of ST/SC/OBC/MOBC and General Category of candidates.
The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation/ HSLC Admit Card/ Certificate issued by a Recognized Board/Council and no other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
Scale of pay of PB-2, Rs.14000- 49000 with GP-6200 plus other allowances as admissible under rules.
Application Fees:
Rs. 300/- Only (Rs.200/- Only for ST/SC). For Persons with Disability (PWD), the application fee is NIL.
Mode of Selection:
Stage-I: The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in an objective type test (Multiple Choice Questions 100 marks) to be held In FIVE ZONES of Assam – (Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Tezpur, Silchar, and Guwahati) on a date to be notified later on.
Syllabus for Stage-I include:
Subject | Marks |
General studies including current affairs, national and international | 60 marks |
General English | 20 marks |
Arithmetic | 20 marks |
Stage-II: Against each vacancy, five candidates would be shortlisted for Stage-II on the basis of the marks obtained in Stage I. The shortlisted candidates will have to appear in the following tests in Stage-II:
Subject | Marks |
Computer test (English and Assamese typing) | 20 marks |
Writing ability test in English. Writing ability tests shall include drafting, precise writing, comprehension, essay, etc | 30 marks |
Combined marks of Stage I (Objective Type Test) and Stage II (Computer Test and Writing ability test In English) secured by a candidate will be the determining factor for selection to the post of Junior Assistant.
Candidates are required to apply in prescribed form through online mode only. Instructions for filling up the prescribed online form will be available on the website: www
Candidates are required to scan and upload.
- Latest passport size photograph.
- Admit Card/ Certificate of H.S.L.C. examination (in support of Age proof).
- Graduation Degree passed Certificate and Marksheet.
- Scanned Signature.
- Caste Certificate (in case of reserved category candidates).
- Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
- Computer Diploma/Certificate.
- Disability Certificate (in case of PWD category candidates) issued by the competent authority.
- Income and Assets Certificate of the family issued by the officer, not below the rank of Circle Officer as’ per provision of para 5 of 0.M.ABP.07 /2019/4, dated 10-04-2019 (in the case of EWS candidates).
A specimen copy is available on the website:
Important Dates:
Online Start | 01.08.2021 |
Last Date | 30.08.2021 |
Important Links: